Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Oil Pastel Circles and Lines by Second Grade


Second graders traced two large circles onto black construction paper using pencils. Then, they drew various wavy lines through the paper to create sections. Using warm colored oil pastels, students first applied color to the circle sections, making sure to not have two sections of the same color touching. Next, they used cool colors to apply color to the background sections. Finally, they used a black oil pastel to outline the circles and lines.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Concentric Circle Trees with First Grade

First grade students created concentric circles of varying sizes using oil pastels. (One class period)

The second class period, students drew a tree trunk and branches onto black construction paper using black oil pastels. It actually shows up in real life. The photos below did not turn out well.

Finally, students cut out the concentric circles they made last week and began applying them to their tree using thin lines of glue. If they needed more circles, they made more. The final project is a colorful, whimsical concentric circle tree.

Concentric Circles with Kindergarten

My kindergarten students created these colorful concentric circles using oil pastels. They had to practice making circles and varying the thickness of their lines. I led them through the making of the first one by using specific colors, but they got to choose their own colors for the last three. We took one class period for making the circles, using the rest of our class time to clean up.

The following class period, students laid out pre-cut rectangles of colored construction paper onto a separate piece of construction paper. They were to make sure that all the rectangles were going to fit and to choose the color layout they liked the best. Once they had a color arrangement they liked, they practiced their gluing skills and made a thin line of glue around the edge of the colored rectangles and glued them to their base paper. Of course, not all of them have mastered this skill yet, but they are making progress.

Finally, students cut out their oil pastel concentric circles. BEFORE gluing them down, they were to play around with the arrangement, seeing which circles looked best on which paper section. When they were happy with the arrangement, they glued their circles to the paper. Once again, they were practicing making a thin line around the edge of their circles.

Overall, they were very happy with their concentric circle art!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Snowmen Catching Snowflakes


My first graders created these cute snowmen today! The snowmen have their heads turned UP trying to catch snowflakes. 

Students began by drawing a large snowman head and partially body on white paper with pencil. Next, they cut out the snowmen and glued them onto blue paper. Next, the cut out orange triangular shaped noses and black squares for the mouth. Finally, using oil pastels, they added snowflakes, arms, and a scarf.